Monday, 14 November 2011

Lets recap (M)November so far

hmmm, lets see
  • I finally got the server up and running, fully RAIDed (simple disk mirroring), so in theory no more losses due to disk crashes.
  • The server now automatically backs its self up to my desktop every day
  • Team Foundation Server and Sharepoint are finally up and running and working (with a few minor glitches, but I can live with those)
  • I bought 2 1TB Hard Drives from IS @ Aber (I hear they are all gone now for the lovely price of £55)
  • And I have some sort of a basic GUI working on my phone

The bad part of the last 2 weeks:
14 15 Trains in 10 days, not one been on time, and a review of these is below:
(after writing the list I realised its 15)
  1. Aber to Brum - canceled
  2. Aber to Wolverhampton - Replacement for train 1, and Delayed
  3. Wolverhampton to Watford, - Replacement and Delayed
  4. Bushey to Euston (fast) - Canceled
  5. Bushey to Euston (slow) - delayed
  6. Euston to Bushey (slow) - delayed
  7. Watford to MK Central - delayed
  8. MK Central to Crewe - delayed
  9. Crewe to aber - Delayed departure, yet somehow arrived at aber 5 mins early!!!!!!
  10. Aber to Brum - delayed and terminated in wolverhampton, redirected to crewe
  11. shrewsbury to crewe - delayed (and packed like sardines)
  12. crewe to watford - only train leaving crewe on time (however last second platform change)delayed arrival at watford
  13. bushey to euston - delayed
  14. esuton to crewe - delayed arrival
  15. crewe to aber - delayed
Thats enough train ranting for one day - now to finish the FinNesse worksheet 1 for CS313, then to do a replacement prac......

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