...As a famous computer program once said, "Hello World", so I thought I'd nick it.
So I hear you ask, "Who are you?"
That's simple. I'm Kristian Schuhmacher, 19 (at the time of this first post anyway), and am currently reading Computer Science with German (what a collaboration) at Aberystwyth University - and for those who don't know, that a place in Wales at the end of a rickety single track train line.
"OK, fine. But what makes you so special that would make me want to read your blog?"
That's not so simple.
erm... well its a good'un, so here I go.
I enjoy a good rant, both positive and negative, and I'd like to share with the world my experiences, whether it be computer related, something to do with me driving a tractor, or just a general go at day-to-day happenings. Who knows, you might find some of it interesting.
"So why 'Techie With A Tractor' as your blog name?"
That's something I can answer.
"Techie" - because I'm a computer scientist, and I also work part time as a freelance theatre and events technician: lights, sound, stage work, cameras, etc.
"Tractor" - because during the summer (and other holidays) I go to Germany to help on the family farm.
Right then, I hope that's enough to keep you all occupied for a few days while I wait for something eventful to happen in my life.
Until that time comes...
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