Saturday, 28 November 2009

Oh dear…

… well, as I thought, I lost track of time and forgot to update my blog :( Don't worry though, over the next few days I hope to update it with all the happenings of the last few weeks, so watch this space…

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Me 7 - Vodafone 0

... and I may have just started a couple of hours ago, but I thought I'd share a new rant that just again.

Vodafone every now and again somehow manage to add things to my bill that cost me money, and the bill for September was no different.
 Below I've put a cut from my phone bill

**Note that this came under the section for "Texts sent while in the UK" **

Date & time
Mon 7 Sep 19:53
1 text
Mon 7 Sep 19:56
1 text
Mon 7 Sep 19:57
1 text
Mon 7 Sep 20:02
1 text
Mon 7 Sep 20:02
1 text
Mon 7 Sep 20:06
1 text
Mon 7 Sep 20:12
1 text
Mon 7 Sep 20:13
1 text

So my questions to Vodafraud was:

"a) How can I be charged for texts sent while in the UK when I didnt use up all my free texts that month"
"b) How did I sent texts when on a plane from Frankfurt to Heathrow, when my phone was off?"
"c) How come you are always screwing up my bill?"

They didnt have much to say (after a few minutes looking at the account). The guy dealing with my complaint was confused himself since he could see my phone was used in Germany, then in the UK only minutes apart from each other.
All they could say was "Sorry" and give me a credit for the random texts.

I probably should point out at this moment that I do know all the numbers the texts were sent to, but not even my phone had a recollection of the messages.

So thank you and off to the supermarket (Summer-Op-Co-field)...

And so the journey begins...

...As a famous computer program once said, "Hello World", so I thought I'd nick it.

So I hear you ask, "Who are you?"

That's simple. I'm Kristian Schuhmacher, 19 (at the time of this first post anyway), and am currently reading Computer Science with German (what a collaboration) at Aberystwyth University - and for those who don't know, that a place in Wales at the end of a rickety single track train line.

"OK, fine. But what makes you so special that would make me want to read your blog?"

That's not so simple.
erm... well its a good'un, so here I go.
I enjoy a good rant, both positive and negative, and I'd like to share with the world my experiences, whether it be computer related, something to do with me driving a tractor, or just a general go at day-to-day happenings. Who knows, you might find some of it interesting.

"So why 'Techie With A Tractor' as your blog name?"

That's something I can answer.
"Techie" - because I'm a computer scientist, and I also work part time as a freelance theatre and events technician: lights, sound, stage work, cameras, etc.
"Tractor" - because during the summer (and other holidays) I go to Germany to help on the family farm.

Right then, I hope that's enough to keep you all occupied for a few days while I wait for something eventful to happen in my life.

Until that time comes...